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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - stamp


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(stamps, stamping, stamped) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A stamp or a postage stamp is a small piece of paper which you lick and stick on an envelope or package before you post it to pay for the cost of the postage. ...a book of stamps... ...two first class stamps. N-COUNT see also food stamp 2. A stamp is a small block of wood or metal which has a pattern or a group of letters on one side. You press it onto an pad of ink and then onto a piece of paper in order to produce a mark on the paper. The mark that you produce is also called a stamp. ...a date stamp and an ink pad... You may live only where the stamp in your passport says you may. N-COUNT 3. If you stamp a mark or word on an object, you press the mark or word onto the object using a stamp or other device. Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles... ‘Eat before JULY 14’ was stamped on the label. VERB: V n prep, V n prep 4. If you stamp or stamp your foot, you lift your foot and put it down very hard on the ground, for example because you are angry or because your feet are cold. Often he teased me till my temper went and I stamped and screamed, feeling furiously helpless... His foot stamped down on the accelerator... She stamped her feet on the pavement to keep out the cold. VERB: V, V adv/prep, V n prep/adv, also V n • Stamp is also a noun. ...hearing the creak of a door and the stamp of cold feet. N-COUNT: usu sing 5. If you stamp somewhere, you walk there putting your feet down very hard on the ground because you are angry. ‘I’m going before things get any worse!’ he shouted as he stamped out of the bedroom... = stomp VERB: V prep/adv 6. If you stamp on something, you put your foot down on it very hard. He received the original ban last week after stamping on the referee’s foot during the supercup final. VERB: V on n 7. If something bears the stamp of a particular quality or person, it clearly has that quality or was done by that person. Most of us want to make our home a familiar place and put the stamp of our personality on its walls. = mark N-SING: usu the N of n 8. see also rubber stamp
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   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English; akin to Old High German ~fon to ~ and perhaps to Greek stembein to shake up  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. to pound or crush with a pestle or a heavy instrument  2.  a.  (1) to strike or beat forcibly with the bottom of the foot  (2) to bring down (the foot) forcibly  b. to extinguish or destroy by or as if by ~ing with the foot — usually used with out ~ out cancer  3.  a. impress, imprint ~ “paid” on the bill  b. to attach a ~ to  4. to cut out, bend, or form with a ~ or die  5.  a. to provide with a distinctive character ~ed with a dreary, institutionalized look — Bernard Taper  b. characterize ~ed as honest women — W. M. Thackeray  intransitive verb  1. pound 1  2. to strike or thrust the foot forcibly or noisily downward  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1. a device or instrument for ~ing  2. the impression or mark made by ~ing or imprinting  3.  a. a distinctive character, indication, or mark  b. a lasting imprint  4. the act of ~ing  5. a ~ed or printed paper affixed in evidence that a tax has been paid; also postage ~  • ~less adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 a tr. bring down (one's foot) heavily on the ground etc. b tr. crush, flatten, or bring into a specified state in this way (stamped down the earth round the plant). c intr. bring down one's foot heavily; walk with heavy steps. 2 tr. a impress (a pattern, mark, etc.) on metal, paper, butter, etc., with a die or similar instrument of metal, wood, rubber, etc. b impress (a surface) with a pattern etc. in this way. 3 tr. affix a postage or other stamp to (an envelope or document). 4 tr. assign a specific character to; characterize; mark out (stamps the story an invention). 5 tr. crush or pulverize (ore etc.). --n. 1 an instrument for stamping a pattern or mark. 2 a a mark or pattern made by this. b the impression of an official mark required to be made for revenue purposes on deeds, bills of exchange, etc., as evidence of payment of tax. 3 a small adhesive piece of paper indicating that a price, fee, or tax has been paid, esp. a postage stamp. 4 a mark impressed on or label etc. affixed to a commodity as evidence of quality etc. 5 a a heavy downward blow with the foot. b the sound of this. 6 a a characteristic mark or impress (bears the stamp of genius). b character, kind (avoid people of that stamp). 7 the block that crushes ore in a stamp-mill. Phrases and idioms Stamp Act an act concerned with stamp-duty, esp. that imposing the duty on the American colonies in 1765 and repealed in 1766. stamp-collecting the collecting of postage stamps as objects of interest or value. stamp-collector a person engaged in stamp-collecting. stamp-duty a duty imposed on certain kinds of legal document. stamp-hinge see HINGE. stamping-ground a favourite haunt or place of action. stamp-machine a coin-operated machine for selling postage stamps. stamp-mill a mill for crushing ore etc. stamp-office an office for the issue of government stamps and the receipt of stamp-duty etc. stamp on 1 impress (an idea etc.) on (the memory etc.). 2 suppress. stamp out 1 produce by cutting out with a die etc. 2 put an end to, crush, destroy. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) штамп штамповать 2) клеймо клеймить; набивать клеймо 3) марка маркировать; наносить обозначения 4) штемпель штемпелевать 5) полигр. оттиск; отпечаток 6) полигр. производить тиснение 7) маркшейдерский знак (в кровле выработки) 8) толчея толочь, измельчать в толчее 9) дробить (руду) - approval stamp - customs stamp - die-cutting stamp - embossing stamp - gravity stamp - hand stamp - punch stamp - time stamp ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  (временная) отметка – date stamp – decoding-time stamp – presentation-time stamp – time stamp ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вырубать 2) вырубной 3) выштамповывать 4) метал. глыба 5) запечатлевать 6) затаврить 7) заштамповать 8) клеймо 9) начеканивать 10) наштамповывать 11) отпечатывать 12) отштамповать 13) пест 14) печать 15) пломба 16) почтовая марка 17) штамп 18) штамповый 19) штемпелевать 20) штемпель 21) ярлык - acceptance stamp - gravity stamp - log stamp - print stamp - stamp cylinder - stamp mark - stamp shaft - stamp shoe - stamp vat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  клеймо, штамп, печать – acceptance stamp – embossing stamp – printed stamp – rolled stamp – void stamp STAMP сущ. 1) штамп, печать 2) клеймо изготовителя 3) марка ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  бить копытом; стучать лапами ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. штамп, штемпель, печать rubber stamp —- резиновый штамп (штемпель); резиновая печать stamp on a document —- штамп (штемпель, печать) на каком-л. документе 2. печатка 3. тех. чекан; штамп; пест 4. клеймо, маркировка every article bears the stamp of the maker —- на каждом изделии стоит клеймо изготовителя 5. пломба или ярлык на товаре 6. почтовая марка (также postage stamp) I want twenty roubles' worth of stamps —- дайте мне марок на двадцать рублей send in 20 cents in stamps —- пришлите двадцать центов почтовыми марками 7. гербовая марка 8. сберегательная марка (также savings stamp) 9. "премиальная" марка (прилагается к товару; накопленные марки обмениваются на товар; также trading stamp) 10. печать, клеймо; отпечаток, след, признак the stamp of genius —- печать гения the stamp of infamy —- клеймо позора to set a stamp upon smth. —- наложить отпечаток на что-л. he bears the stamp of breeding —- в нем чувствуется воспитание the statement bears the stamp of truth —- это утверждение похоже на правду 11. род, сорт a man of the right stamp —- настоящий человек people of the same stamp —- люди одного склада a person of that stamp —- личность такого сорта (такого склада) 12. топанье (ногами); притопывание with a stamp of the foot —- топнув ногой a stamp at the take-off —- спорт. толчок при отрыве от земли (в прыжках) 13. ставить штамп, штемпель,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  upon подавлять, уничтожать; The students suggestion must be stamped on before it becomes a threat. STAMP out  а) подавлять, уничтожать; to stamp a fire out потушить огонь; to stamp out a rebellion подавить восстание;  б) затаптывать огонь; Be sure to stamp the fire out, and then cover it with earth fast in case;  в) штамповать; чеканить; выбивать; This machine can stamp out 20,000 coins a day. STAMP  1. noun  1) штамп, штемпель, печать; клеймо  2) оттиск, отпечаток  3) пломба или ярлык (на товаре)  4) марка; гербовая марка  5) печать, отпечаток, след; the statement bears the stamp of truth - утверждение похоже на правду  6) род, сорт; men of that stamp - люди такого склада  7) топанье, топот  2. v.  1) штамповать, штемпелевать; клеймить, чеканить  2) отпечатывать, оттискивать  3) запечатлевать(ся); отражать(ся); the scene is stamp ed on my memory - эта сцена запечатлелась в моей памяти  4) характеризовать; his acts stamp him as an honest man - его поступки характеризуют его как честного человека  5) топать ногой; бить копытами (о лошади); to stamp the grass flat - примять траву  6) наклеивать марку  7) дробить (руду и т.п.) - stamp on - stamp upon - stamp down - stamp out STAMP act hist. закон о гербовом сборе STAMP down притоптать STAMP on подавлять, уничтожать; The students suggestion must be stamped on before it becomes a threat. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 »MAIL« also postage stamp formal a small piece of paper that you buy and stick onto an envelope or package before posting it  (a 29-cent stamp | a sheet/book of stamps (=set of stamps that you buy)) 2 »TOOL« a tool for pressing or printing a mark or pattern onto a surface, or the mark made by this tool  (a date stamp | a passport stamp) 3 the stamp of sth if something has the stamp of a particular quality, it clearly has that quality  (bear the stamp of sth)  (The speech bore the stamp of authority.) 4 »PAYMENT« BrE a small piece of paper that is worth a particular amount of money and is bought and collected for something over a period of time  (television licence stamps) 5 »TAX« a piece of paper for sticking to some official papers to show that British tax has been paid 6 »IN A SHOP« a trading stamp 7 a man/woman of his/her stamp formal someone with a particular kind of character  (I wouldn't trust a man of his stamp.) 8 an act of stamping, especially with your foot  (an angry stamp) ~2 v 1 »FOOT« to lift your foot off the ground and put it down hard on something + on  (Marta shrieked and started stamping on the cockroach.) stamp around (=walk this way)  (Just because you're mad you don't have to stamp around like that.) 2 stamp your foot to lift your foot off the ground and bring it down again very hard because you are angry  ("I will not!" yelled Bert, and stamped his foot.) 3 stamp your feet to keep lifting each foot and bringing it down again very hard, to make a noise or because you are cold  (She stood at the bus stop stamping her feet to keep warm.) 4 »MAKE A MARK« to put a pattern, sign or letters on something using a special tool  (stamp sth on sth)  (Stamp the date on all the letters. | stamp sth with sth)  (Your passport must be stamped with your entry date.) 5 stamp on sb/sth informal to use force or your authority to stop someone from doing something, or stop something from happening  (Roberts stamped on every suggestion we made and then decided to end the project.) 6 »AFFECT SB/STH« ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. Students Teachers And Marauder Parents gen. bus. abbr. Spending Time And Money Prodigiously st. exc. abbr. Securities Transfer Agents Medallion Program ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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